The school semester resumed and neared completion without too much fanfare. Another nomikai was planned for the CSU group, and this time we were going to have it at the Lockup in Shibuya. The Lockup is a theme restaurant, set as a kind of mix between a prison and an asylum. I heard that the first person in each group would get abducted by the waiters and bound in chains. I headed up the rear of the group, and was a bit disappointed when they hadn't apprehended Claire and thrown her in a closet somewhere.

The food was pretty good, and we quickly got underway with the drinks. A quarter of the way into the meal, the lights when out, and under black lights, several waiters dressed as prison inmates and monsters came in to assault those unfortunate enough to choose seats by the doors. I managed to get a shot of Philip about to get stabbed by a ghoul. When the fun was over, James stood up and gave a short birthday speech, inviting folks to go to a concert with him this weekend. Before we left, there was another power outage, and this time, Bob snuck up behind the attackers and damn near tackled him. It was all in the spirit of fun though, and everyone had a great time. By this time, we were quite merry, and there was talk of going to a club for a nightcap.

I ended up getting dragged to Gas Panic, one of the hole-in-the-ground "dance clubs." We had a great time, but the staff kept pestering people to buy more drinks. When Derek told the guy that he had already bought a drink, he actually pointed to a sign overhead that said in both English and Japanese something to the extent of "You're either drinking, buying a drink, or leaving." I was shocked that they were such assholes about it, so I decided at that point that I wouldn't waste any more money at that place again. Other than their annoying hiccup, it was a great evening.
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