So, today was the culture day for Gakujo, the all-girls college near Waseda's Toyama campus. Maho and Kaoru, who both go to Gakujo (despite being members of Waseda's Niji no Kai), were helping put on the event, and invited myself and Hans to check it out. We took our sweet time getting there, as it was already starting to get dark by the time we arrived. Kaoru had run several blocks to the Gindako intersection to intercept us, since we had no idea where Gakujo was. We walked back to the campus, just a few blocks past Toyama park. It wouldn't have been hard to spot, due to the mass of decorations Kaoru and Maho had put up for the event, practically all by themselves. We got to the main quad, where all the food stands and such were located, and ran into Eli, Issa, and Claire. They were chatting with some of the foreign students who were studying at Gakujo. Claire, the self-apointed ambassador of the CSU group, was obviously putting her best foot forward for the rest of us. Yikes.

Kaoru and Maho were just finishing up their duties at the event, so we waited for them to finish up, goofing around a bit. I realized that the pillars near the library were close enough together to scale, and got up about 10 feet or so before dropping back down. Claire went about forcing nekomimi (cat ears) on everyone (except for us guys, who wouldn't have anything to do with it). Maho looked cute in them, so Claire wrapped her arm around Maho (so she couldn't remove the cat ears) and posed so Eli could take a photo. Eli obliged by zooming in so only Maho was in the photo. I died laughing.

Kaoru, Maho, Eli, Claire, Hans and I walked to baba, and after dismissing a few izakayas (we didn't want to drink for a change, and just wanted some cheap food), we settled on a nice little lunch counter underground somewhere. I got ahold of Bob, and retrieved him from baba to show him where everyone was. We all had a grand time, and talked about all sorts of things. After a while, Mai and Issa returned from a Niji no Kai nomikai, and Claire proceeded to force the nekomimi on Mai. I managed to capture a look on Eli's face that rivals Hilary's expression from the other night. Hans drew a portrait of Maho, cat ears and all.

With ten o'clock approaching fast, we headed back to the campus so I could retrieve my bike. The gates normally close at 10:00 or 10:30, so I hustled my way back to the school, but when I arrived, the gates were already closed. Puzzled, I found a door in the gate that was unlocked, and walked through it to ask the guards if I could retrieve my bike, and was startled by a sudden shout of "NO!" followed by the big batsu sign (make an 'X' with your arms) by the guard in the little office. I looked to the other guard who was fast approaching me, and he explained in amazingly clear British English that the gates close at 6 on the weekends, and I would have to wait until the next day to get my bike back. Dejected, I apologized for the intrusion, and retreated from the scene. At least I missed the curfew by about 4 hours, and not 4 minutes.

As we began to head back, we ran into Ehtesham and Willy, dressed to the nines and escorting two Japanese ladies towards baba. We were all headed in that direction, so we walked alongside them for a while, but it became glaringly apparent that our company wasn't welcome (blatantly ignored). A bit hurt but definitely understanding (I wouldn't want some loud chumps cramping my style if I were mackin' on some babes), I nonchalantly upped the pace and led my companions away from the couples. Eli wondered what all that was about, and Hans let it slip that Ehtesham didn't think too highly of Eli, and presented that as an alternate theory for their coldness (which I would later find out to be the reason for their stiff demeanor; only Ehtesham was just playing wingman for Willy that night). Having faith in my friends, I held to my theory that they were playing the field, and didn't want any seventh wheels hanging around. From baba I just walked home without bothering with the train at all. It actually wasn't that bad of a walk; I could get used to saving the 140 yen it costs to shave only 20 minutes off my commute by foot. It even gives me a chance to enjoy a few more songs on my ipod, which I desperately need to get more music on, as I have not had a chance to change my playlists since my computer first crashed.
Oooo, I know who is going to focus on the "women's college" portion of your journal!
Sounds like things are going good, although I sense a slight bit of "frustration" with this Claire person.
I wanna see YOU wearing nekomimi!!!
no nekomimi for me, thanks.
and yes, in case you couldn't tell, Claire is a nuisance that will likely be dealt with when either a foreign or Japanese student gets fed up with her obnoxious antics and snaps at her.
Knowing the pattern I saw, it is usually the foreign students that will snap first, resulting in a bad and embarassing incident that will reflect on the other students unfortunate enough to be nearby.
Stay out of blast range!
don't lie! shes your favorite person.
She's my favorite person the same way that getting my salad tossed is my favorite prison pasttime.
I prefer syrup.
Claire is the individual who decided to steal Hikari's name, correct?
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