My timestamps on my camera have all been in US time, so I think this might still be Friday, but whatever...
I went to Shek's class on Chinese Religion, and afterwards gathered downstairs with Katy, Jill, Tracey and a few others who were planning on going to party in Shibuya. I wasn't going to tag along with them, but I was also headed in that direction. Sheryl had hit me up earlier and asked me to meet up with her in Shibuya to hang out with her and Mariko. Earlier that day, I got a message from an unknown address, and it turned out to be Yoshi! So I made my way to Shibuya a bit on the early side, since I had thus far never seen the famous Hachiko statue that is
the meeting point at Shibuya station.

Earlier that day, I had gone to the Seikyo for a drink, and I noticed that the 2 liter bottles of tea were only about 50 yen more than the small bottles. I figured "what the hell," and got the big bottle. I had spent the entire day drinking that bottle of tea, and as a consequence, by the time I got to Shibuya station, I was in dire straits. Desperately needing to find a bathroom, I walked a little ways with Katy and Jill, who were going to the bank, and ended up ducking into Shibuya 109, the mecca of kogyaru (Paris Hilton-worshipping ridiculously ditsy-looking fashionistas). I went up to the 8th floor and finally found a bathroom. I returned triumphantly to Hachiko, where everyone was still gathered; they were going to go out with a group of Japanese guys to eat and drink and be merry. I still had about 40 minutes to wait for my friends, so I took a seat near the statue and started reading about phonetics.

The first to show up was Mariko. We caught up for a while before Yoshi showed up with Sheryl. She told me earlier that she dresses to compete with the Japanese girls, it seems that she won that evening, especially considering the pervasive "look" of Shibuya, it was a refreshing sight to see a girl that looked good without a ridiculous amount of makeup or accessories. We went to the Shibuya Hub (apparently there are about 15 Hubs dispersed throughout Tokyo) and had a few drinks. Sheryl and I split a Stairway to Heaven, a cocktail supposedly made from absinthe, which is illegal in the states. It tasted like a spicy shot of Jagermeister, but according to Sheryl, it burned her lips. Looking for other things to do, we finally settled on an inexpensive izakaya and had a little nomihoudai, where I ended up doing a majority of the drinking. They all had to catch the last train back, so we all went back to Shibuya and split up from there, but it was great to see them and I look forward to another chance to hang out with them!
Interesting how you lose track of time huh? The amount of time seems to warp and bend too, and the first few months will feel like a year, yet then after a year it will feel like a few months.
Nice to see the Yokohama peeps are doing good. I saw Yoshi before leaving back to America once at his appartment party. Me and Maria had a fun time teasing him about the sole swimsuit model poster in his room. Kidding around of with him of course. I look forward to seeing them again. You too maybe ;) I'm guessing Sachiko might fill half my suitcase with stuff for you if I make the mistake of offering room.
It is good to see Sheryl is... ya.
Save some money for Christmas!! (>_<)
Save some money for coming to Osaka with a lot of omiyage and hanging out with me!!
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