Tonight I met up with Rina, Mariko, and Sheryl to have dinner at Asian Kitchen in Shibuya. The food was pretty good, but the most notable thing about the place was probably this Chili Beer, which is apparently made in the states. It actually had a chili in it, and the cold beer with the chili's spice was a surprisingly pleasant combination! I ate the chili afterwards, but it seemed that the kick was stronger in the beer than in the chili itself. Still, quite a nice find!
Also, today was the last day for my Ceramics studio class. We had already made and glazed a rice bowl, a rectangular plate, and our mugs had been fired and were ready for glazing. I drew a scence on my mug in pencil, with a character drowing at the bottom of the mug like it was a well.

Sensei saw it and remarked that it was "too cute" for me to do, and that she expected something more artistic. I then decided to do something more abstract, so I would dip the mug in white, then use a brush to splatter it with other colors. Unfortunately, after I dipped the mug into the white glaze, the assistant told me we were supposed to be glazing subtractively, which meant either using wax or tape before dipping the glaze in order to create patterns where the natural color of the clay shows through. I could have just washed the mug and started over, but most of my classmates had already left, so I decided to just scrape my design into the glaze. I came up with a winter scene of a tree with leaves blowing in the wind. I really like how it turned out, even though it was kind of a mistake. I guess I'll find out next week whether it'll be a failure or success.
1 comment:
楽しそうなクラスとってるやん!うらやましいわぁ~。 その焼き物の写真、できあがったら是非是非アップしてね♪ アジキチもお気に召されたようで何より;) かわいい子二人もつれて両手に花やね(≧▽≦)残念ながら二人とも人のものだけど(笑)
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