Sousha is back from his adventures traipsing through the riverbeds of Touhoku and generally freezing his ass off, and is free to go to the Pump with me on Friday night. We jumped on the train and made our way to the gym, but after leaving the station and descending from the raised platform, as I made for the right, towards the same road as last time, Sousha was like "oh I usually go this way," indicating a left-hand turn. I knew that my way would get us there, but perhaps he knew something I didn't, and we headed left. He said we could stop at the 100 yen shop down the road for drinks, but when we didn't see any such store, we stopped at a Family Mart for libation. Sousha didn't remember there being any such conbini, so he asked the clerk "is this place new?" to which the clerk responded "uhh, no." Sousha went "huh, ok" and we left the store.

It didn't quite click yet that we were going the wrong way, so we walked down the road for another five minutes, and the landscape opened up into a flat suburban neighborhood. Directly in front of us was a family restaurant with a sign that looked like someone took the in-n-out logo and decided that it was too complicated. It reminded me of the first time I came to the Pump and got lost en route, and it was at this point that we decided to backtrack and go the way I suggested (which, as it turns out, was the way Sousha thought he was taking me).
Only losing about 15 minutes, we got to the gym and had a good climb. We made plans to make this a weekly event. More climbing stories to come!
1 comment:
Compared to the two rock climbing places I went with you to when you were here, that one looks like something from an arts and craft project gone wrong, and a ton of random bits of crap pasted to peg board for no reason. Is it any good? Is it expensive?
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